I wanted to write a blog on here sharing a little bit of what God has been doing in my heart and in my life as a person. I am a completely different person today that I was before I came to YWAM. Actually, I am a completely different person than I was just a few short weeks ago. Since the day i left for YWAM, each and every day God has made sure He made somewhat of an additional impact in my life, growing me closer to Him. There were times that this made me mad, because i felt i wasn't ready to get out of who i used to be and become who God created me to be, but He knew that I was ready, finally. God has really been working on my heart while being here, and who i am as a person. He has transformed how I treat people, and how I love people. I have walked out of being a very selfish person, to finally becoming a person of love, putting others before me (most the time haha). He has shown me that you don't always need to be first in line or have the most of everything. You need to sacrifice yourself daily to other people, putting them before you and who they are before you as well. We are such selfish people and only think of ourselves, it's our human nature, but we need to stop acting on that and start putting others first. Also, before YWAM, i was not a very loving family. If you aren't shown alot of love in your life, how can you expect to know how to love others? God has shown me the ultimate love that I have been seeking my entire life, showing me that His love is the only love that i really need to get through anything. He also has allowed the most amazing man of God to come into my life as my boyfriend a couple months before YWAM. He has been there for me through everything, showing me God's truth, and God's love. He is such a man after God's own heart, seeking Him with all of his heart, striving to me more and more like Him as much as he can. He has prayed with me, dealt with stuff from my past, and helped show me God's truth in so many ways. I am becoming a person who is different than the person i used to be. I am recognizing when i complain and when i judge people. When i do it now, God convicts me of it each time, letting me know that it's not OK. My goal while I am in Haiti is to not complain the whole time (big goal ehh :) ? ) Only 9 more days till my team is off! I cant wait to talk to you all about my journey while in Haiti and the DR and to see what else God has in store for me :) thank you all for your prayers.
-Emily :)
This is a blog i have created for my pre, during, and post journey of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) beginning April 8, 2010. I invite you to keep up-to-date with me and my walk with God and my missions through this blog. I spend 3 months in Kona going through an intense discipleship training school, and on July 1, i leave for Haiti. I will return Sep. 23, 2010. Please keep me in your prayers.
Helping Haiti

Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
10 Days Left
Only 10 days from today me and my team leave for Haiti for 2 1/2 months. We will be flying into the Dominican Republic and be staying there for a week having orientation and such. Then after that we will be driving to Port-Au-Prince and be staying there for three weeks. We will be staying at the refugee camp which also has the orphanage right next to it. After then, we will be heading to the St. Marc base for another 3 weeks. After the 6 weeks in Haiti, we will be going to the DR once again for 4 more weeks to wrap things up. We are going to get the privilege of spending time with the Haitian children and also the adults. We are going to get to have bible studies, have mini DTS's (what we just went through here in hawaii) and get to do street ministry. We are going to get to use our cameras to take pictures of the poeple, the city, and the devastation. We can use our photos of the devastation to raise awareness for what the Haitians need and use the portraits of the people to show them how beautiful they really are. Back here in Kona, we have been really settling down. I haven't gone out and done much lately, i've been spending alot of time with one of my best friend Elizabeth Loebs (also my roommate) who is going to Haiti with me just relaxing and resting in our room during our free time. We wont have much free time or relaxing time once in Haiti. So we are taking advantage of it now. We just finished with our "Battle For Your Sexuality" week in lectures. It was a very eye opening week discovering the 4 core needs of a man and a woman, and also what porn does to a person and also to a relationship. It was also good learning about these things as I am currently in a relationship now. This weekend was very relaxing, finishing up preparing and buying stuff for outreach. We have this week coming up as our spiritual warfare week, which will also be very helpful to us as we enter Haiti, where the witchcraft and voodoo is very strong. After that, we have mon-wed as team building times, then our team heads out a week from wednesday (June 30th) in the evening. We have an all night flight to L.A. then to Florida, then fly into the Dominican. Please be praying for me and my team for safety and that God will give us the strength to push through this time that will be challenging but the most rewarding experience of our life. Thank you all for your prayers and support once again. I will probably have 1 more post before leaving for outreach, then the posts will hopefully come in between 1-2 times a week if at all possible updating you guys on our time in haiti, i also will begin to be posting picutres once i am there. I don't really feel the need of posting pictures from Hawaii on here, but once in Haiti i definitly will be posting some from our expereinces and our time. God Bless!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Well, it's June 13 and there is only 17 more days until me and my team of 11 head out to Haiti for a 10 week life changing experience. I am so excited but so nervous at the same time. Being here at my DTS (discipleship training school) has definitely prepared me to be able to be mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared before heading out on outreach. Last week we had a speaker by the name of Jason Ma and he told us about the 1040 window in Asia, the last part of the world we need to reach with the gospel then Jerusalem. It was an amazing time hearing about it and such. He also talked about the church, and it opened my eyes so many times. The typical American church has grown so far from what should be going on. We grumble and complain because its an inconvenient time for us to wake up and go to church, then we have to dress up, we get there, only want to hear what we want to hear, we occasionally give tithes, we hear a feel good message then leave and go on and about with our week and our daily lives. Why aren't we starting bible studies and small groups in our homes, trying to lead others to Christ before His return? Why are we wanting to just be in the "comfortable" setting of only talking to God about believers, we need to go our and live out our faith to others. Seriously, think about it.
On a side note, :) I talked with a team of 10 people last night from another DTS that just returned from home yesterday from Haiti for 10 weeks. They gave us alot of good information we needed to hear before we head out. They told us that the demonic power, witchcraft, and voodoo is so heavy and strong there, you feel an overwhelming sense of it the second you land in the airplane in Haiti. They gave us advice to make sure we take care of any strongholds in our lives before we get there and speak it out satan doesn't attack us while we are there. They said the absolute hottest day here in Hawaii is a cool day in Haiti. So it is hot, all the time. They said so much poverty it is hard to even go out, alot of naked kids because they have no clothes, no parents, and no one to take care of them. They said it will be the hardest thing we ever go though, but just take it day by day with God, and we are going to get through it and be able to show these Haitians so much of God's love. I know that I am going here for a reason once again, and I know that God will give me strength every day to get through it with Him. I cannot wait to make an impact on these Haitians lives. Please keep me and my team in your prayers, we will have internet in Haiti, it's 20 dollars a month so i will be able to occasionally get on through the week to write on this to keep you updated. Thank you all for what a blessing you are.
In Christ,
Emily Williamson
On a side note, :) I talked with a team of 10 people last night from another DTS that just returned from home yesterday from Haiti for 10 weeks. They gave us alot of good information we needed to hear before we head out. They told us that the demonic power, witchcraft, and voodoo is so heavy and strong there, you feel an overwhelming sense of it the second you land in the airplane in Haiti. They gave us advice to make sure we take care of any strongholds in our lives before we get there and speak it out satan doesn't attack us while we are there. They said the absolute hottest day here in Hawaii is a cool day in Haiti. So it is hot, all the time. They said so much poverty it is hard to even go out, alot of naked kids because they have no clothes, no parents, and no one to take care of them. They said it will be the hardest thing we ever go though, but just take it day by day with God, and we are going to get through it and be able to show these Haitians so much of God's love. I know that I am going here for a reason once again, and I know that God will give me strength every day to get through it with Him. I cannot wait to make an impact on these Haitians lives. Please keep me and my team in your prayers, we will have internet in Haiti, it's 20 dollars a month so i will be able to occasionally get on through the week to write on this to keep you updated. Thank you all for what a blessing you are.
In Christ,
Emily Williamson
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Baptism Pictures
Friends and Family..
I hope all is well back in Idaho, I’m more homesick than I thought I would be, but God is doing some amazing things here at YWAM with my life; I’m a completely different person. This letter is a brief overview of my time here at DTS and the journey I am about to embark on here in less than a month. I have been going through an intense 3 month discipleship training school learning about God’s character, the Holy Spirit, purity, freedom in Christ, and other various deep subjects about who God is. I have learned who He is on a completely different level, and have learned truth for myself. I’m starting to understand who God is, how He works, and how much He loves us; and it is completely changing my life. I am finally living for GOD, not myself. I am learning to be in constant communication with Him, daily, because He is my best friend. I am learning about mission work, how to evangelize, and other various things, getting me ready for outreach, and for my new lifestyle. A typical day here, we spend about 6-8 hours a day in class; we do community outreach, small groups, corporate worship, and prayer times. It can be so exhausting, but is honestly one of the most rewarding things I could possibly be doing.
When I was 16 years old, I attended a youth conference in St. Louis, MI. While I was there, God told me I was going to go to Haiti. I had to ask my youth pastor about it because I had never even really heard much about the country. Since then, I have tried numerous times to plan a mission for me to go serve there, including after the earthquake, but it was never in God’s timing. God had his specific timing, and it is always perfect. When I found out Haiti was an outreach location option, I knew exactly why God gave me such a compassionate heart for Haiti over three years ago; And I truly did and still do have the biggest heart for Haiti, and it is amazing to finally know why. All God’s plan; all in God’s timing; what an amazing God.
On June 30, 2010, me and ten other students from my PhotogenX DTS will be flying out to Port-au-Prince, Haiti for one month. We will be living in a refugee camp, speaking in their about topics we have learned here at our DTS, sharing God’s word and love to the people in desperate need in a destroyed country. We will also be involved with different reconstruction projects various churches are working on, starting to rebuild the beautiful country of Haiti that has been destroyed. Also we will be partnering with the program “UNICEF” helping them out with what they need. After this month, we will be going to St. Marc, Haiti for another month, also talking in churches, working with women and children involved with prostitution, trafficking, and other issues such as these. After these two months in Haiti, helping bring hope and love and most importantly God, we will be going to the Dominican Republic for a few weeks, sharing in churches and ministries everything we have been doing in Haiti, and also spreading God’s love in this country as well. I already know God has some huge plans for me and my team that will be going to serve in this country, and I am so excited to see the fruit that comes from it. Thank you for your prayers and support :) you are also invited to keep up with me on my journey here at DTS and following in Haiti when i will have internet access.
* Please be praying for my team and I, as we head out to Haiti in less than a month. We will be filming a movie, called “Eyes of Hope” (there is a website we are currently working on www.eyesofhope.info), Raising awareness of different issues in Haiti, and being a light of hope in the Haitians lives. This is such an incredible journey God is preparing me to go on. Certain issues that need prayer during our mission trip are our safety, health, an overflow of God’s love in our lives to be poured out in the lives of the Haitians, hope, unity, and an understanding of God for these people. Also another thing I would appreciate so much if you prayed for is if God is putting on your heart to partner with me in this journey through finances. All of our outreach fees are due at the end of the week, and I currently have $1500 left until my fees are paid off. I am trusting God that He is going to bring the right amount of money He wants to provide me with. If you feel led to partner with me and help me financially, you can e-mail me at emilywilliamson@u.boisestate.edu for more info. Thank you again for your continuous prayer and support, they mean so much to me. It is so wonderful having the friend and family support that I have, during this journey. Thank you all so much and God bless you.
-Emily Williamson
I hope all is well back in Idaho, I’m more homesick than I thought I would be, but God is doing some amazing things here at YWAM with my life; I’m a completely different person. This letter is a brief overview of my time here at DTS and the journey I am about to embark on here in less than a month. I have been going through an intense 3 month discipleship training school learning about God’s character, the Holy Spirit, purity, freedom in Christ, and other various deep subjects about who God is. I have learned who He is on a completely different level, and have learned truth for myself. I’m starting to understand who God is, how He works, and how much He loves us; and it is completely changing my life. I am finally living for GOD, not myself. I am learning to be in constant communication with Him, daily, because He is my best friend. I am learning about mission work, how to evangelize, and other various things, getting me ready for outreach, and for my new lifestyle. A typical day here, we spend about 6-8 hours a day in class; we do community outreach, small groups, corporate worship, and prayer times. It can be so exhausting, but is honestly one of the most rewarding things I could possibly be doing.
When I was 16 years old, I attended a youth conference in St. Louis, MI. While I was there, God told me I was going to go to Haiti. I had to ask my youth pastor about it because I had never even really heard much about the country. Since then, I have tried numerous times to plan a mission for me to go serve there, including after the earthquake, but it was never in God’s timing. God had his specific timing, and it is always perfect. When I found out Haiti was an outreach location option, I knew exactly why God gave me such a compassionate heart for Haiti over three years ago; And I truly did and still do have the biggest heart for Haiti, and it is amazing to finally know why. All God’s plan; all in God’s timing; what an amazing God.
On June 30, 2010, me and ten other students from my PhotogenX DTS will be flying out to Port-au-Prince, Haiti for one month. We will be living in a refugee camp, speaking in their about topics we have learned here at our DTS, sharing God’s word and love to the people in desperate need in a destroyed country. We will also be involved with different reconstruction projects various churches are working on, starting to rebuild the beautiful country of Haiti that has been destroyed. Also we will be partnering with the program “UNICEF” helping them out with what they need. After this month, we will be going to St. Marc, Haiti for another month, also talking in churches, working with women and children involved with prostitution, trafficking, and other issues such as these. After these two months in Haiti, helping bring hope and love and most importantly God, we will be going to the Dominican Republic for a few weeks, sharing in churches and ministries everything we have been doing in Haiti, and also spreading God’s love in this country as well. I already know God has some huge plans for me and my team that will be going to serve in this country, and I am so excited to see the fruit that comes from it. Thank you for your prayers and support :) you are also invited to keep up with me on my journey here at DTS and following in Haiti when i will have internet access.
* Please be praying for my team and I, as we head out to Haiti in less than a month. We will be filming a movie, called “Eyes of Hope” (there is a website we are currently working on www.eyesofhope.info), Raising awareness of different issues in Haiti, and being a light of hope in the Haitians lives. This is such an incredible journey God is preparing me to go on. Certain issues that need prayer during our mission trip are our safety, health, an overflow of God’s love in our lives to be poured out in the lives of the Haitians, hope, unity, and an understanding of God for these people. Also another thing I would appreciate so much if you prayed for is if God is putting on your heart to partner with me in this journey through finances. All of our outreach fees are due at the end of the week, and I currently have $1500 left until my fees are paid off. I am trusting God that He is going to bring the right amount of money He wants to provide me with. If you feel led to partner with me and help me financially, you can e-mail me at emilywilliamson@u.boisestate.edu for more info. Thank you again for your continuous prayer and support, they mean so much to me. It is so wonderful having the friend and family support that I have, during this journey. Thank you all so much and God bless you.
-Emily Williamson
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Last week, the leader of our school announced that if there were some people that would like to get baptized, there would be an opportunity coming up. When i heard about this opportunity, i got so excited. I was baptized in 6th grade at my home church but it didn't really mean anything to me, i did it more because everyone else was doing it. Before coming to YWAM in Kona, God started stirring in my heart (in January) pretty deeply, wanting more of my attention and to become my true best friend. Coming here to DTS, i had quite a bit of baggage from my past; being here, God has helped allow me to bit by bit let go of things of my past to completely and submit by life to God. Today, June 3, 2010, I declared on a public beach at the pier in downtown Kona in front of my fellow DTS students and curious tourists my faith to God, dying to my old my, my old self, and my old life, and from here on, being in a dedicated commitment relationship with God, daily. He is my best friend and from this day forward, i will live for Him, not myself. l love you so much God thank you for everything you do for us.
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