This is a blog i have created for my pre, during, and post journey of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) beginning April 8, 2010. I invite you to keep up-to-date with me and my walk with God and my missions through this blog. I spend 3 months in Kona going through an intense discipleship training school, and on July 1, i leave for Haiti. I will return Sep. 23, 2010. Please keep me in your prayers.
Helping Haiti

Saturday, July 31, 2010
St. Marc

St. Marc
Time is flying by! We are already in St. Marc, and the two hour bus ride there has never made me so car sick in my life. The three weeks in Port-Au-Prince flew by faster than I can think about, but it was an experience of a lifetime. We were staying at an orphanage the entire time while in Port-Au-Prince, so over the three weeks we were there, I built such strong friendships with all of the children that were there. I made sure to go see them every morning, every afternoon, and every evening. The two babies that are there, baby Johnny and baby Kevin, are the two cutest Haitian babies in the world. I became so attached to them, and them with me. It was such a privilege to be able to spend the time I got to with them and show them love every day. This past week, we spent our time at a tent city called “City Soleil”. It is one of the poorest tent cities in Haiti, even before the earthquake. They also don’t have a water source to get any water from, so they have to walk such a far distance to get any type of water for anything: drinking, cooking, showering etc. The kids that are there either don’t have clothes and go around naked, or they wear the same clothes, all the time. Having nothing doesn’t matter to them though, at all. Out of all the tent cities we went to and all of the children we got to be with, this tent city was the most joyful, excited children I have seen in Haiti. They screamed every morning they saw our truck coming up, chasing us till our we were parked. Gettnig to spend time with them every day this week was such a blessing. Yesterday we were there from 9am till 6pm. We had a teaching in the morning for the adults, had soccer tournaments all afternoon, had a food distribution in the later afternoon for the children, and then had tent city worship that evening. Ending the night with an incredible sunset from God. While being in Haiti, God has been completely transforming my heart. He is forming into the heart He originally designed it to be: selfless, loving, caring, respectful, and soft. Thinking I was going to Haiti to change it, Haiti completely changed me. It is so hard being here, seeing the poverty, the destruction, and the chaos, but it is also such an honor and a blessing to get to serve here and spent two months of my life here. Every time we go out in the city, it still breaks my heart every day. I don’t think a person could really ever get “used to” the poverty and destruction that Haiti currently has. My heart aches driving down the streets in Haiti, seeing every single Haitian doing anything and everything they can just to survive another day. Haitians have little “booths” I guess I could call them that anything they have they put out to sell along the whole street. It really makes you think how lucky and blessed we are to have an entire closet full of clothes, an amazing house (even if you don’t think it is, it is, trust me), water and food available to us basically whenever we want, and the luxery of going to the movies, out to dinner, and on family vacations. These are things Haitians will never see, in their whole life. Being in Port-Au-Prince we got to do a lot of ministry time, doing teachings every morning, and having over thirty people come to Christ. With all the voodoo here too, many people got eveil spirits to leave from them. It was such a testimony to be a part of I everyday.
Haiti is such an amazing and beautiful country. I am actually writing this blog while in the bus driving to St. Marc. Getting to see the scenery and just the mountains and the Carribean Sea, is absolutely breathtaking. God created this country so wonderfully and so beautifully. I will post a few pictures when I can of our time in City Soliel an the sunset. Keep our team in your prayers as we got to St. Marc today, and will be there for 2 ½ weeks, then back to the DR for one month then home! Thank you for everything!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tent CIty Transformation

This past week, we did a "mini DTS" (discipleship training school) at another tent city. This week actually went by very well. By the second day, we had over 10 people coming up to us each day, asking for prayer, and many of them asking to accept Jesus Christ into their heart. Seeing their passion to learn about Christ, their childlike faith, and their eagerness to get prayer and not be thinking about what other people were thinking about them, blew my mind. Adults.. living in a destroyed nation and city, where most people thinking there is absolutely no hope here.. hope was all around this tent city. There were also around 20-30 kids that would join us, wanting to play every morning and afternoon, which we had a blast doing. We brought jump ropes, bubbles, toy sets, and other fun things to bless them with and to play with them. The children here in Haiti, and especially the children that basically only have the clothes on their backs.. are such joyful, loving, and fun kids to be around. I would say a lot more happier than the children in American who have an entire wardrobe of clothes and every toy they could ask for. These children have joy in them, and it shows every day in their eyes and their actions. They love on us, and love to be with us. They all call us "Hey You!". So we call them that back :) This week was what we were waiting for on outreach.. getting to these lives changed, hearts opened, and people accepting Christ into their hearts. What a blessing it was to be able to be a part of these peoples life changing moment in their hearts. Here are a few pictures from this week's tent city. Enjoy :-)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Worship with the kids
Tent City Kids :)
Tent Cities