I just wanted to write a quick blog, to truly explain to you what it is like in a tent city. Before the earthquake, there were not tent cities because most every one had some type of a house (to America, not a house, but to Haiti is is). Ever since the earthquake, thousands and thousands have lost their homes, their belongings, and their families. Many of them have lost hope, but their are also whose hope have increased. Seeing all the commercials and ads on TV about Haiti broke my heart ever since the earthquake, but the news and tv didn't even give you a GLIMPSE of what it is truly like here. It is in distraught, devastation, extreme poverty, chaos, and anger. Their is hope in this city and country, but there are also people who don't have hope. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live in a country and city like this. It breaks my heart to just be here and I have only been here one week. We are here in Port-Au-Prince for another 2 weeks, so we will be ministering in 2 more tent cities. Yesterday, me and one of the guys on my outreach team, Jorn, met with a Haitian man and he took us on an entire tour of the tent city... Seeing first hand and upclose actually HOW these people live completely ripped me apart. No one in America i think will truly understand until they actually come to Haiti for themselves. I took a few pictures, but I also recorded a video I will be working on today, to really give you an upclose glimpse of how so many Haitians live. A family of 8 actually invited us into their "home" (one room "tent" for 8 people) and showed us how they live, everyday. Most of them do not have jobs, and the heat here in this city and in their tents is almost unbearable. The hardly have enough food to feed everyone, children and women come first. Alot of the children do not have clothes or shoes, and they are always dirty. The entire tent city shares a line of outside outhouses for their bathrooms. The words I say, the pictures I show, or the videos I put together will really only give you a smal glimpse of this city and the conditions. All I am asking if that you truly keep this country and the people here deeply and truly in your prayers. The nation is in such deep need of help and of God. Here are a few pictures... God bless you.
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