Me, Elizabeth, and Hannah went to the brothel again this afternoon. The women love when we come and hang out with them. They just hang out all day and if a customer comes in, they take care of it, but if not they just hang out until the evening, when their works starts. One of the girls had to leave hanging out with us today because a customer came in. Looking into the man's eyes made me want to throw up. It's different HEARING about brothels, and actually being IN the brothel, with the women and seeing the men come in to pay money, use their bodies for their pleasure, and leave. I hate this so much. It kills me. Our world is so corrupt, and I think it may be time for Jesus to come back soon haha. Here are some pictures though so you can see some of the beautiful girls, where they live, and their view from the brothel. They are wonderful people and i enjoy hanging out with them, they are great. Enjoy!
these girls are so beautiful. the world is so corrupt. my heart aches with yours for these girls.