For every day that goes by, God is revealing himself more and more. Honestly, i do not even feel that i am in Hawaii. I do not leave the campus other than weekends. Our days are so packed with lectures, worship, class, and fellowship, on a daily basis. Every morning here at YWAM we either have intercession (group prayer), prayer, class worship, or community worship. Then we have 2 sessions of lecture. Every week we have a new topic that we are learning about. Last week was hearing and obeying God's voice, which was amazing. This week is all about learning who God is and His character. So far it has been so wonderful. Today during lecture, our speaker for the week (and one of our leaders), Christian Fox stopped in the middle of his teachings today, and told us he had a weird feeling that he shouldn't go on with what he was talking about and he needed prayer, so we all prayed for him and everyone in the room got the same feeling that we shouldn't continue teaching. We all were not focused, weren't learning anything, and all felt there was something keeping us from soaking in God's word to our heart. So we all stopped, prayed and after that we worship God for about an hour then after that, we all got in a circle outside, wrote on a piece of paper the things in our life that is keeping us from growing us closer to God. I know things in my life that i struggle with are selfishness, expectations, and patience. I know that God can help me with this and completely take these things from me, so keep all this in your prayers. God is doing some miraculous things in my life and in the lives of others here at YWAM. At the end of this week, we will find out where we are going on our outreach, which we will be leaving on July 1. Outreach is anywhere from $4,000-$6,000. I have already raised $1000 and i know and trust in God in whatever way he wants to, he can provide the rest of it. Keep me in your prayers and feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or wanna talk :) emilywilliamson@u.boisestate.edu
-Emily Williamson
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