We are reading through all the gospels in the new testament during our three month lecture phase. Our first part of Matthew is due tomorrow, so a few of us from class read everything together tonight. I was not excited to read it at all, because all i remember from the gospels growing up in the church for them being boring Bible stories, and thats it. And that is why i have exaggerated this reading until tonight. But after reading through all of it, i could not believe the amazing things God has placed in these chapters. A few things that really stood out to me while reading all this Was that we are the salt of the world, and if it "loses its saltiness" we need to make the world "salty" again. I've read this scripture a hundred times before, and it never really clicked until tonight. God's love and word dies out sometimes in our society, and the ones who know it and truely believe it, it is our job to go out and spread the salt in the world again, making God known. It's so powerful and God has such a purpose for everyone. Another thing that really stood out to me was how God does not want us to boast about fasting, praying, or giving. He wants us to do it in "secret". He does not want us praying in the corners of the streets for attention, using God to make us look good, nor does he want us telling everybody that we are fasting, once again, using Him to make us look good, and most of all does he NOT want us boasting about what we give to people or who we give to. All these thigns are a gift from God and He wants to bless us frmo them, and wants it to be between us and God. Strictly. He loves us so much and has so much in store for us. PS. here are some pictures i took today ;) enojoy!
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