This is a blog i have created for my pre, during, and post journey of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) beginning April 8, 2010. I invite you to keep up-to-date with me and my walk with God and my missions through this blog. I spend 3 months in Kona going through an intense discipleship training school, and on July 1, i leave for Haiti. I will return Sep. 23, 2010. Please keep me in your prayers.
Helping Haiti

Thursday, May 27, 2010
God is working...
Today’s lecture was the last one for our Holy Spirit week. I went from complexly disagreeing and being mad and upset and closed minded, to being a completely different woman of God. It is incredible; God is so good and faithful. He has complexly given me PEACE about the Holy Spirit; peace about how different people experience the Holy Spirit in different ways; a conscious mind to not rely on man’s word alone, and believe what I hear for truth, but to really seek the Bible, seek the Lord, and seek council of people that I highly trust. It is so amazing that the peace God has given me recently, just telling me “Emily, be still and know that I am God”. I don’t have to experience the Holy Spirit in the same way that every one does. I don’t have to speak in my own language, be on the floor, raise my hand, be in the front row, or anything. I can sit outside, be OK with what is going on inside, and experience JUST AS MUCH of the Holy Spirit that the people inside on their faces crying do, and it is so cool. That is the beauty of God, he wants us to come to Him in our own way, and spend time with Him, and build our relationship with Him, gosh God is so good. He loves us more than we can comprehend. You cannot limit God in a box, you can’t, He is So powerful and so mighty and is capable of anything. I need to speak truth on people, telling them, YES you can have the same experiences of God that I do, YES you can grow and WILL grow in the Lord, not I hope you do. I have such a heart to see people encouraged and growing in the Lord, and it is awesome. Today’s lecture, we really heard our speakers heart, and it touched my spirit and heart in a way that in indescribable. She is so faithful to the Lord and is so confident in herself. She KNOWS God thinks she is so beautiful, and she KNOWS God loves her with everything. I am so excited I have a testimony and a past and experiences the Lord has put me through that I can pray for people now, be an encouragement, and show the love of God that he has abundantly put inside of me to others. Wow, God is so good, and I am so ecstatic to see what He has in store for me, for each and every day that I am here, and after this program as well. God is good, all the time.
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