God never fails to amaze me, any day that goes by. He is the most faithful thing known to mankind, and even beyond that. If you doubt, he will immediately prove himself, to a point where any hint of doubt is washed away. DTS is radically changing my life from the inside out. Coming into it, I didn’t know that it would wreck my life this much, rebuilding it, in the way that God intended it from the beginning. Last week, we had a preacher by the name of John Leach. His subject was “Father, heart of God”. He talked so much about how God IS your father and will fulfill you more than you could imagine. Things your earthly father never filled in your life, God will exceedingly fill that in your life. Also that we need to learn how to love from the Father, so we can bring it into our marriage and kids, loving them the right way. He also talked alot about how we live by our emotions, and not by truth, and when we tell ourselves long enough that our emotions are the only way to think, they become our truths. This is very dangerous. I learned so much from him, and while he was speaking you could just tell how much passion and love he had from the Lord, it showed in every word he spoke. He was there to tell us how much the Lord loves us, unconditionally. This past weekend, our DTS went on a weekend retreat up north to a place called Makapala. It was so beautiful and so amazing to get to spend time specifically with our DTS, at a little retreat center, learning to live in close community, and build relationships based on the love of God. It was such an amazing weekend, having the opportunity also to see more of God’s beauty, in Hawaii. This week our topic is “worldview”. We have been talking about different genders and their expectations that the “world” puts on them. Such as girls feel they need to wear so much make up, wear expensive clothes, have constant male attention, etc, and men needing to make so much money, know what they are doing in life, be a leader, etc. We should find our identity in Christ, not in what the world has to say, and it’s so true. Yesterday was Pentecost. Here at YWAM, we are doing a 48 hour continuous prayer and worship in the prayer room. Last night during community outreach, I felt God telling me he wanted to to stay in the prayer room most of the night, I wasn’t sure why, and would rather have slept in my bed and got rest all night, but I obeyed God. I went to the prayer room at 11pm and stayed till the entire night. I didn't sleep at all, which effected me pretty badly today haha. some amazing things happened last night. God showed me passages and put stuff on my heart that i went up front and preached to the other 15 students that pulled an all nighter for God along with me. It was so amazing seeing us giving up a night's worth of sleep, to pray and worship God, all through thenight. Things that students shared with us and read in the Bible led to me streaming with tears. The past few days I have really felt distant from God but I think that is because I haven’t been prioritizing Him to a point where I make specific Emily God time every day, which is much needed in my life. My heart and soul longs for God on a daily basis, and I need to feed it. Also an amazing thing that has recently happened to me is love. I have never really been a loving person, due to some past issues in my life. I never have really known how to love people or receive love. It has been such a battle and struggle in my life. I have been praying on a daily basis for the Lord to fill my life with His love, that I might show everyone around me the amazing power of His love. I want to be the person that is so caring and loving and sharing and people love to be around. Day by day, God has been forming me into a woman of God, filled with love. It is absolutely amazing watching. Hearing people telling me they see a difference is such an encouragement. God is working in my life, each and every day. Thank you God for your amazing power and wonder, you never fail us, ever. Thank you so much. Here are some pictures from my weekend. Thank you again for all your prayers and support. I love you guys so much. God bless!
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