Here is a copy of my support letter i sent out. Please pray for me on this jounrey as God is revealing day by day his glory to me. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Dear Friends and Family,
If you are receiving this letter then you have either been a part of my life or have touched my life in one way or another. The last year in my life has been full of growing up and challenges, but also countless blessings. After listening to what I wanted to do in life instead of God’s direction for me, I attending Boise State University for one short semester. It was a wake up call from God to what path he no longer wanted me on, and a direction to His path.
After spending time in prayer and stepping out in faith, I am getting ready to embark on the most purposeful season of my life thus far. I have felt called to begin my life in mission work, spreading God’s word in any way possible. I am going to be leaving April 8th to begin a journey with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). For three months I will be in Hawaii cultivating an even deeper relationship with the Lord, learning how to reach out to the community around me, and furthering my knowledge in Photography. After the first 3 months, I will go onto the second phase of this missionary journey with more hands on work. My team will be going to Central America for 2 ½ months. During this phase, I will be fighting against injustice using the gifts God has given me in photography. We will be going to homes and staying with families who are suffering, and in every way possible we will invest everything we have to help these people. The goal of this trip is to pour out all that we have learned in the first three months, to show love like they have never seen it before, to bring life that could never be replaced, and to meet as many as their heart felt needs as possible.
This is a huge step in my personal life and my walk with God. I cannot do this alone; I would like to invite you to be a part of my journey and help make a difference in the life of others. Having support is a big component in missions. Your support could be committing to pray for me on this journey, being an encouragement to me, or helping me meet my financial needs. I firmly believe in the power of prayer and I know that God is capable of anything and everything. This trip costs roughly $10,000; while working full time as a nanny, I’m saving everything I can towards this trip. If you are able to support me financially, I would be so grateful, but most importantly, I ask that you keep me in your prayers throughout this year, as I know God will be doing some drastic things in my life and in the lives of others around me. Thank you for everything, and God bless. If you choose to support me financially, you can do so by writing a check directly to “University of the Nations” and sending it to my home address: 17834 Polara Way Nampa, ID 83687 or by making a donation through YWAM over phone (808) 326-4461.
I will be keeping a blog online for people to keep up to date with me. If you would like to do so, you can visit Also to learn more about YWAM and photogenX please visit: or
I want to thank you ahead of your time for your prayerful consideration in helping me in any way you can. May God bless you richly in 2010!
In Christ,
Emily Williamson
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